Section: New Results

Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling

Participants : Aderraouf Benyahia, Laurent George, Falou Ndoye, Dumitru Potop-Butucaru, Yves Sorel, Meriem Zidouni.

Multiprocessor Partitioned Scheduling with Exact Preemption Cost

Since we chose a multiprocessor partitioned scheduling approach, we can take advantage of the results we obtained in the case of uniprocessor real-time Scheduling accounting for the cost of the real-time operating system, i.e. the cost of preemptions and of the scheduler. From the point of view of the off-line real-time schedulability analysis we only have to consider in addition to activation and completion instants, reception of data instants. This latter instant is determinated by supposing that the cost of every data transfer is known for every possible communication medium. Indeed, when two dependent tasks are allocated to two different processors, the consuming task will have to wait for the data sent by the producing task. The theoretical results in the multiprocessor case, are given in the Falou Ndoye's PhD thesis [19] defended in April this year. We chose the message passing protocol for interprocessor communications achieved through a switched ethernet network. In order to determine precisely the cost of data transfers, we started to investigate the possible approaches to synchronize the send and receive tasks located in two different processors and to schedule them with the other tasks allocated to the same processor. This synchronization protocol will be taken into account to determine the interprocessor communication costs. Concerning these communication costs, we consider FIFO and FIFO* schedulings in the switches, the later is a FIFO scheduling based on the release time of frames at their source node. We have first corrected the trajectory approach (recently shown to be optimistic for corner cases) with FIFO scheduling to compute worst case end-to-end communication costs. Then, we have extended the trajectory approach to FIFO* scheduling. We want to implement our off-line scheduler on every processor of a multiprocessor architecture composed of at least three processors, communicating through an ethernet switch.

Concerning the delay of communications, we consider FIFO and FIFO* schedulings in the switches, the later is a FIFO scheduling based on the release time of frames at their source node. We have first corrected the trajectory approach (recently shown to be optimistic for corner cases) with FIFO scheduling to computed worst case end-to-end communication delays. Then, we have extended the trajectory approach to FIFO* scheduling.

Mutiprocessor Parallel Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) scheduling

We are interested in studying the hard real-time scheduling problem of parallel Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) tasks on multiprocessor systems. In this model, a task is defined as a set of dependent subtasks that execute under precedence constraints. The execution order of these subtasks is dynamic, i.e., a subtask can execute either sequentially or in parallel with its siblings based on the decisions of the real-time scheduler. To this end, we analyze two DAG scheduling approaches to determine the execution order of subtasks: the Model Transformation and the Direct Scheduling approaches. We consider global preemptive multiprocessor scheduling algorithms to be used with the scheduling approaches, such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) and Deadline Monotonic (DM).

Gateway with Modeling Languages for Certified Code Generation

This work was carried out in the P FUI project 8.2.2 We continued the work on the gateway between the P formalism and SynDEx, started the last two years. We have integrated in the gateway the IF and FOR blocks of Simulink that were missing in the functional specification, except for particular cases where the IF block is nested in the FOR block, or the opposite. The integration of the MERGE and MUX blocks are still to be done. We extended the P formalism with architectural elements that SynDEx needs to perform schedulability analyses on functional specifications. These architectural elements are hardware resources (processor, bus, shared memory, router) and timing characteristics (deadline, period, WCET, WCTT). We developed a new part in the gateway which transforms an architectural model described with the P formalism in the input format of SynDEx. We developed also a third part in the gateway which feedbacks the schedulability analysis results obtained with SynDEx (the scheduling table) and stores them into models described with the P formalism. Finally, we have collaborated with the industrial partners to test our gateway on their use cases.

SynDEx updates

The first tests on the alpha version of SynDEx V8, released last year, shown some bugs that we fixed. This first release did not include a code generator. Thus, we worked to interface the distributed real-time embedded code generator of SynDEx V7 with SynDEx V8.